Production time for this item is currently 3-5 business days to ship. This excludes weekends and holidays.
Production time for this item is currently 3-5 business days to ship. This excludes weekends and holidays.
Please note that some sugar decorations may contain eggs
Edible Decorations

Apple Sugar Decorations

Mardi Gras Sugar Decorations

Sports Sugar Decorations

Mustache Sugar Decorations

Lips Sugar Decorations

Emoji Sugar Decorations

Irish Sugar Decorations

Balloon Animals Sugar Decorations

Diva Sugar Decorations

Candy Corn Sugar Decorations

Talking Hearts Sugar Decorations

Purim Sugar Decorations

Unicorn Sugar Decoration

Small Dreidel Sugar Decorations

Large Dreidel Sugar Decorations

Small Dreidel Sugar Decorations

Menorah Sugar Decorations

Clown Royal Icing Decorations